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Tips on getting a parental guarantee for your mortgage

20 February 2024

Getting a parental guarantee for a home loan can be a great solution for those who are struggling to secure a mortgage on their own. It essentially involves a parent or close relative acting as a guarantor, promising to repay the loan if the borrower defaults. This can increase your

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They’re back! Why property investors account for one-in-three new home loans

15 February 2024

Lending to property investors is soaring once again. We lift the lid on what’s driving investor interest – and what it could mean for the property market throughout 2024. It looks like property investors are back … and in a big way. The latest ABS figures show that

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What are the other costs associated with taking out a mortgage

13 February 2024

Taking out a mortgage involves more than just borrowing a specific amount of money. There are several additional costs that borrowers often overlook but need to consider before venturing into homeownership. Down Payment: A down payment is a substantial upfront payment made to secure the loan. It is usually a

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When will the next RBA cash rate call be made?

8 February 2024

Happy days! The Reserve Bank kept rates steady in February. But a shake-up in the number of times our central bank meets each year is raising questions about how long the rate pause will last. Here’s what we could expect.

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