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Why You Should Be Reviewing Your Home Loan

1 November 2022

Once people secure their home loan, they often forget about it and simply pay their loan repayments till the end of the loan. This may seem fine, but the reality is you could be missing out on many benefits and savings by not reviewing your home loan regularly. We have

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Hold your horses: RBA hikes cash rate again to 2.85%

1 November 2022

Whoa, Nelly! The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has lifted the official cash rate again, this time by another 25 basis points to 2.85%. How much will this rate rise increase your monthly mortgage repayments, and when are the hikes expected to stop?

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Borrowers Beware: Your Fixed Rate Mortgage Is About to Expire

25 October 2022

With interest rates on the rise at the moment, there are many borrowers who are currently with fixed rate home loans that are approaching their expiry period. When that day finally arrives, it may be a bit of a shock as there’s a good chance the repayments will be higher

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Is now a good time to buy an investment property?

20 October 2022

You’ve bought a home. And now you might be considering adding an investment property to your portfolio. But have recent interest rate hikes cooled your heels? We’ve outlined reasons why now may still be a good time to buy.

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