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Do you need to be rich to invest in property?

29 November 2022

It’s a common misconception that you need to be rich to invest in property. While it’s true that buying an investment property can be a great way to grow your wealth, you don’t need to have a lot of cash on hand to get started. In this article, we’ll take

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Your new phone or your home loan? What would you research more?

24 November 2022

What’s more important: your new phone or your next home loan? Well, we were stunned to see a recent survey that showed Australians put more effort into researching phone plans than they did their home loan. Here’s how we can help you get the balance right.

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Are you willing to work 3 jobs to buy a home?

22 November 2022

It’s no secret that the property market in Australia is expensive. If you’re a young person trying to break into the market, it can feel like you’re swimming against the tide. But all is not lost! There are ways to make your dream of home ownership a reality – you

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5 surprising reasons for home loan heartbreak

17 November 2022

Whether it’s your love life or your home loan application, no one likes getting rejected. There are many reasons why it could happen, and some can come as a big shock. So today we’ve outlined five surprising reasons to help you avoid home loan heartbreak.

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