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Mortgage holders granted a reprieve as RBA puts interest rates on hold

4 April 2023

And … exhale. After 10 straight rate hikes the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has today decided to put the official cash rate on hold. But for how long?

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Money habits that may raise lenders’ eyebrows

30 March 2023

We all know being on our monetary best behaviour can help to land a home loan. But did you know there are common spending habits you may have that are red flags to lenders?

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Saving Tips: ways to slash your spending and save a home deposit

28 March 2023

Are you thinking about buying a new home in the near future? If so, now is the time to start saving! With house prices always on the rise, it’s important to have enough saved up in order to make your dream of a new house a reality. But saving for

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Time to jump in? First home buyer deposit saving times plunge

23 March 2023

Home loan headlines have been, let’s face it, a bit of a downer of late. But the good news is that first-home buyers are now reaching their 20% deposit goal faster.

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