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Starting your own business? Here are some tips

2 May 2023

Deciding to stop working for someone else and starting your own business can be a challenge, but a highly rewarding one. In many instances you will also need some financial support to establish the business by taking out a small business loan. A finance broker is best placed to navigate

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Tips to help stay on top amidst the rate hike cycle

27 April 2023

With every RBA rate rise announcement, mortgage holders brace themselves for impending repayment increases. Here’s how to stay on top of your mortgage and feel financially secure.

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Financing your next holiday

25 April 2023

With the world open again after the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more Australians are getting the travel bug and planning holidays overseas or in our own beautiful backyard. Some people may have been able to put away savings with travel restricted during the COVID lockdown era and

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Property listings and prices are bouncing back

20 April 2023

As property prices start to climb, listings are following suit. So if you’re hunting for a home, what does this mean for you?

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